Marsh: Resurgence of Bedbugs Places Retail/Wholesale Businesses at Risk

A resurgence of bedbug infestations across the U.S. has become a growing concern for homeowners and commercial businesses nationwide.

Source: Source: Marsh | Published on September 29, 2010

"Industries at risk include the retail/wholesale businesses,” noted Mac Nadel, Marsh Retail/Wholesale, Food & Beverage Practice. “Bedbug infestations can interrupt the normal flow of business if stores need to be closed down, and can have a negative impact on consumer confidence. Retailers need to understand the various sources of infestation, and how to properly manage the damages. A fundamental principle of crisis management is to be proactive – anticipate impacts on your organization and plan ahead.”

Marsh recommends the following actions to minimize the impact of a bedbug incident for retail/wholesale businesses:

* Call in a reputable exterminator immediately.

* Designate a single spokesperson for all media inquiries.

* Prepare a media statement.

* Instruct employees to accept returns, with limited questions asked.

* Have a plan in place on how to handle/isolate returned goods.

* Close stores temporarily, if necessary.

* Ensure that contaminated products are appropriately handled.

* Communicate with employees.

* If the store is located in a mall, inform mall management.